CBI in the news - Korean "Design" Magazine


Korean "Design" magazine interviewed Ms.Cathy Huang, the president of China Bridge International, in September, 2007 and revealed the development status of industrial design in Shanghai, in China.

Design to Business
First, the interviewer asked about the establishment cause of CBI. Ms. Cathy Huang recalled the experiences as a designer in Haier, Qingdao and as a student in Europe when working in GE FITCH. At that time, there were many design consulting companies in Europe, but none in China. She felt there should be our own one like that in China. Chinese design companies'  lack of design management but not design capabilities! So CBI appeared! International and domestic extensive communication resources help Ms. Cathy Huang to establish CBI successfully, which was the first design management company in China.

iF and CBI
In 2003, no one knew iF, no one realized the significance of iF for promoting Chinese creative industries in China. At that time, even Chinese government paid very little attention to the design related topics. Only Cathy Huang, only CBI, used their strategic vision, working hard in this new world quietly. In 2003, only less than 100 companies entered iF, but nowadays there are more than 400 companies listed! Success will not wait for you if you are not ready.
Beijing, Shanghai, Chinese Design
After years of development, Chinese enterprises have started to realize the importance of design, the importance of originality. In Beijing, in Shanghai, through the internet search "design advisory", you will discover more than one company engaged in such business. When the reporter asked: Do you fear others imitate yours? Ms. Cathy Huang answered: Our model and accomplishments (personal connections) are not one or two days'  efforts, I'm not afraid of other people's imitation. How confident an answer! Because Ms.Cathy Huang always believes: CBI is the first domestic design management advisory company, she promotes design research but not design imitation!

Development and Long-term Goals
Talking about long-term goals of CBI, Ms. Cathy Huang's vision turned to the best international design management consulting company. She will lead CBI to develop in different industries, including service industries like banking and aviation ... Some day it will be on par with the top global peers!
