Truly local, with a global view

Our reach

Truly local, with a global view

We value indigenous knowledge, respect cultures and believe in creating an unlimited organisation. Support and experience can be tapped into through our network. People are empowered to focus on meaningful work, and to advance development of products, services and experiences that will positively change people's lives through design and innovation.
For every challenge, we try to find the most qualified people. CBi China Bridge has a footprint that is strengthened by alliances and partnerships with like-minded companies around the world. Together we share broad-based knowledge, processes and insights to help you overcome your challenges.
Based in Shanghai, we are a founding member of the Innovation Union for Fast Growth Markets, and every year we actively engage academia, design mentors, multi-industry thought leaders, governments, entrepreneurs and innovators.
Join our network and take advantage of our global resources.
Chicago, IL
Mexico City
Pune, India
San Francisco, CA
Milan, Italy
London, England
Paris, France
Chandigarh, India
Tokyo, Japan
Frankfurt, Germany
Leuven, Belgium
Branding design
Brussels, Belgium
Mainz, Germany
London, England
Connect with us to learn more
We look forward to hearing from you.

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